Daily Archives: November 14, 2006

Which Was It (that this song was on)?The Red Tape, The Blue Tape, or The Green Tape?

Anybody remember this Sesame Street Song? I have it stuck in my head today, and it came from when I was peeking at my husband in the shower (gasp!) this morning. Bert says, “Somebody hand me a towel!” (because the entire cast is packed in the bathroom with the piano and Bert’s still in the tub) and the whole chorus strikes up with:

ABC, 123
Pigs in a tree
Don’t ever sit on a woodpecker’s knee
ABC, 123
Sing along with me
Come on and sing along with me.

Of course, nobody ever hands him a towel, but my husband got one this morning, only because he asked, before I went back to my homework.

Speaking of the greatest guy ever, I realized when I stepped out to the bus stop that
1. I was too late and I’d have to walk,
2. Even if I wasn’t late, I’d have little chance of getting on the bus because I’d have to beg the bus driver to let me on because
3. I’d left my wallet and keys in my trenchcoat I wore last night, and
4. I’d be even later for work if I didn’t start walking right away.

I thought I’d just do without my wallet and keys today until I printed out the handout I have to make lots of copies for later from the work printer. The ink cartridge is running low, which is fine for what we print but not for the graphics on this handout. And I need my wallet to print from any computer lab printer. So I called my hubby because I knew I wouldn’t be home before that class I’m handing out the handout in (and because my phone was the only thing I had remembered) and asked him if he would bring my wallet and keys to work. He has the day off from work, but I knew he’d just gotten back from being outside in the cold and the slush. He told me he would, and he did.

Of course, a few minutes after I’d hung up the phone, I realized I’d forgotten my planner as well, but I wasn’t going to ask him to go back home, get it, walk all the way back again, and walk home once more.

Ah, the lives of the absent-minded.