About The Journeyer–The Original Kate

My name is Kate. It’s just Kate–it’s not short for Kathryn or Kathleen, and it definitely doesn’t ever change into Katie. On my birth certificate, it’s originally Kate.

And I’m definitely an original. Among other things, I have a hard time figuring out what is home; I’ve lived in New Mexico and Utah, but am now a proud resident of Oregon. I am an artist of many kinds, so much that I might be considered a dabbler. I’m hearing-impaired and legally blind, but I lead a relatively steady life.

Along with the artistic tendencies, I enjoy unusual people and am constantly striving for some sort of nonconformity. After all, I’m original–why not embrace it? Other tidbits that might intrigue: I’m Mormon, I have very long auburn hair, and my favorite color is orange.

I choose to post on thoughts, epiphanies, memories, and various-sized amusements. I write with wonder and curiosity, but also with candor and poetry. I use twine to tie ideas and experiences together into one large artwork of words. My words create interesting imagery and spark a train of other intelligent thoughts.

Would you like to get in touch in a quieter way? I’m also at GMail as explorewithtwine; send off a personal letter. The orange twine image you might see around here is created by James.

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