Monthly Archives: October 2006

A Frustration With A Peaceful Fnish

Sometimes I hate travelling by bus because doing so requires ultimate travel time calculations. And if you’ve never taken the route before, never walked it, travel time calculations are really hazy, so you have very little idea of when you’ll actually get to your destination.

Let me give an example: today I wanted to go to a friend’s wedding reception. I told her I’d be there because I was there when she was dating him, when they got engaged, and when she needed to gripe about all the stupid setbacks there are to planning a wedding.

I was still standing at the first bus stop when the reception ended; of course, part of this was circumstances I couldn’t have forseen: I was using a brand-new copy center and overseeing a girl who kept messing up on a project I paid her to do for me. I also didn’t know I could have left her to it to get to the reception earlier and then come back and picked them up, though I’m glad I watched her mess up or I would have walked away with the prototype she needed to fix her mistake.

But while standing at the bus stop, I told myself I could still go and see my friend’s efforts even if I don’t see her and her groom, and just as I told myself it was worthless and started to walk away, the bus came. I caught the first connection, but as I was standing at the second connection, I looked at the schedule: I’d have to wait forty minutes for the next bus, and that’d make me get there probably an hour and a half after the reception ended.

I was thinking of helping take down stuff in exchange for a ride home because there’s a dance (supposedly) afterwards, but an hour and a half afterward? Everyone would be jumping in the cars from a dark church as I showed up. So I jumped on the returning bus that got me to the second bus stop and went home.

While waiting for that bus, though, an angel named Zena (“you know, like at the end of the alphabet?”) sat and talked to me about life and it’s unfair moments. We just compared life experiences– she’s divorced her husband of 19 years who moved from New Nexico to South Dakota and then she’s stuck here with a few kids– and she sympathized with me. I can still smell her ciggy smoke on me, but she gave me what I wanted at that time on a busbench in the cold sitting next to her quiet, coy daughter.

sigh. Okay. I’m written out, and I found peace. See? It’s easy.

I’m going to enjoy food with my hubby now.

Ah, the Smell of Cold and Towels

I think my nose is broken. It’s been broken for awhile, because this is the second winter that I’ve noticed this. I smell french fries when I smell slightly used bath towels, I smell dog food whenever I step outside on a cold day, and I like the smell of gasoline. There are other instances, but these have struck me lately.

Something Completely Fascinating for Those Who Aren’t Sitting in This Room

1. Grab the book nearest you, turn to page 18, line 4, and what does it say? (This is hard to judge what the “book nearest me” is. There’re at least six books near me, including a notebook, a textbook, and an address book. I’ll pick the one I was also reading last and fell asleep to.) “…and thank God in her croaky voice for her perfect health. Silly…”

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What can you touch?
A fluffy pillow we got for our wedding with planets on it that J and I use to prop ourselves up when we’re sitting on the bed. It normally sits on the ground at the foot of our bed. Also, a multi-colored striped afghan.

3. What’s the last thing you watched on TV? Chain Reaction on Friday on the GSN channel.

4. Except for the computer what can you hear? Just’In’s play list. It was playing Enya two seconds ago, and now it’s playing “Leave” by Barenaked Ladies. (And yes, I just asked him to read it off the play list. I don’t know it by heart.)

5. When did you last step outside and what were you doing? A little after four was when we got home from Bob and Mary’s house.

6. Before you started this survey what were you doing? Reading gorgeous madamemama‘s answers to this.

7. What are you wearing? a ribbed lime green sweater with one of those cool fold-y over necks, a brown polyester jacket that is very in-style that Grandma King gave me because she’s in the stage of trying to get rid of stuff and that she made herself, a sparkly-mermaid green skirt I bought at Buffalo Exchange around St. Patrick’s Day (I just liked it when I saw it in the display window, and had completely forgotten it was St. Patty’d Day), my really cool fishnets that look kinda like this only five strings, not one, over white tights, garments, with my hair down.

8. Did you dream last night? Probably. I rarely remember my dreams in the winter, while my dreams are always very vivid in the summer.

9. When did you last laugh? Most likely at something Just’In said as we walked in the door of our apartment.

10. What’s on the walls in the room you’re in? All sorts of stuff. Leaves, necklaces, calligraphy, a waterfall, golw-in-the-dark stars, styrofoam shelves held up by pushpins, a MormonAd, a postcard, a hubcap, a print of original art by a Weber State student, a picture-map of part of Just’In’s mission, a calendar, a rainbow tie, an advertisement of a new football stadium that went up while Just’In was on his mission, and a bulletin board.

An Idea Found Toward The End of a 555-Page Text

I consider certain books to be stupid
not because they have poor plot or weak theme
but because they were obstacles of time
(This must be read by Monday; here, find the theme in this story)
in the way
leapt over
and turned upon with jeering laughter
as I run on through the maze of its innards.

Oh, What A Scene

While looking for my planner, I came across a phone menu for the bus system that I thought was amusing.

“Welcome to UTA Authority. For route information, press one. For a complaint or a comment, press two. For Sherri, press three. For Tara, press four.”

I was looking for the lost and found.

Celebration and Chocolate All Around!

After a week and two days of having little concept of time, checking six lost-and-founds in this crazy, mixed-up universe of ours, I finally know where my little black book is! I was planning out how to get to an Office Max (or its equivalent)- I think Just’In doesn’t work tomorrow, so he can give me a ride- on the bus ride home and planning to buy the cheapest replacement planner I can get- since there’s two and a half months left in the year and less than half of the semester left. I was even considering just drawimng up my own for those measly two and a half months and re-copying due dates from syllabuses, etc., when I walked into my apartment as usual about ten, fifteen minutes ago and heard my phone beeping, telling me someone called while I was in class. Because this often happens- both me leaving my phone here and people calling during class- I picked up the phone and dialed my voicemail, expecting my new visiting teachers (we just redid the groups last Sunday) or a relative saying ‘ello. Instead, I got a short message telling me my planner is being held by the life-saving secretaries over at the Institute!! I had calculated that I’d lost it on Tuesday because I could remember missing it on Wednesday during homework-time and my evening class, but I must have left it in my Institute class Wednesday morning! I didn’t even think to look for it there because I never have a need to pull it out then or in the class before, but I guess I did!

I knew there was a reason they asked for my phone number when I registered for the class! I have a thousand choruses piping in my head right now, of both choirs and Greek Choruses. Maybe I’ll bring food for the secretaries there. Hooray!!

I Did Have Many People In High School Ask Me If I Was On…What Was It?

Your walk is:
Possibly Influenced by Narcotics

Take this quiz at

Today is the perfect day for hot chocolate made from water in my teapot and a book I have due to be read vaguely in the future. And it also turns out my little teapot makes two cups of hot water from three cups of cold water.

I seem to have misplaced my planner in the last three days. If anyone sees a little black book with silver spiraling appear in their abode, scream for joy for me, will you? And then tell me all the important little details I need to know for school and life in general so I can stop floating around feeling surreal.

On a final note, it’s funny, in choosing a mood icon, to watch the Sam’s eyebrows (for that is his name) wiggle up and down.

My Theme Song Would Have Bagpipes In It

thefridayfive questions look entertaining:

1. If you could have a super power, which one would you have? Telekinesis.
2. What would be your supername? Stellifera. I can always hear the deep voice announcing my name triumphantly as I stand on a building overlooking the squirrels run around in the park.
3. Who would be your arch-nemesis and what would be their superpower? Why, Nasty-man, of course, and I don’t know his powers yet. I’ve only heard his name mentioned in song.
4. Who would be your sidekick and would they have a superpower? My sidekick would be Bethiepoobster and you’ll have to ask her what her superpower is. I think we discussed this during one of our many laps around the school at lunch, but I can’t remember what we came up with.
5. What would be your motto? Striking with Curiosity and Wonder.

A Link To Brighten Your Spirits

Has anyone see this yet? I thought it was funny.